Simplify Your Home Buying Process: Pro Tips for Success

Welcome to our complete guide to buying a home. Whether you’re new to this or considering a home in Tennessee our blog will walk you through real estate steps. Focused on the home buying process, we’ll equip you with insights to navigate this exciting journey.


Buying a new home is a big deal. Whether you’re intrigued by Memphis’s culture or a change of scene, knowing how to buy a house is key. This guide unwraps the process, offering a comprehensive buying guide and valuable tips. From understanding real estate steps to using our buying process chart, we’ll give you the know-how to make smart choices. Whether it’s your first home or you’re refining your skills, let this blog be your guide to a successful home buying journey.

Qualifying as a First-Time Homebuyer in Tennessee

To become a first-time homebuyer in Tennessee you need to meet specific criteria that prepare you for homeownership. Having a steady income is crucial to show you can handle mortgage payments. Good credit scores matter to lenders; they assess your creditworthiness and decide your interest rate. Moreover, although a down payment is required, there are programs that ease this for first-time buyers, making owning a home more reachable.

Advantages of Being a First-Time Homebuyer

Becoming a first-time homebuyer offers more than just getting a property. One key perk is building equity over time, boosting your overall financial stability. Plus, homeownership comes with tax benefits, like deductions for mortgage interest and property taxes, leading to solid savings. As a homeowner, you get to personalize and modify your living space as you like. Also, first-time homebuyer programs often give financial incentives, lower down payment demands, and favorable interest rates, making now a great time to join the real estate world.

Home Buying Process in Tennessee

Embarking on the home buying process in Tennessee follows a similar path to other places, with local touches. It starts with exploring neighborhoods that suit your lifestyle. Getting mortgage pre-approval is vital; it sets your budget and shows sellers you’re serious. A Memphis-savvy agent is a must—they know the local market. They’ll guide you through house tours, offers, and negotiations. Checking the house thoroughly before buying is important. And don’t forget closing costs, which include various fees—plan for these in your budget.

Home Buying Timeline

Getting Finances Ready (Months Before)

  • Check your credit score and financial health.
  • Set a budget, including down payment and monthly mortgage costs.
  • Save for down payment (usually 3% to 20% of the home’s value).

Pre-Approval (1-2 Months Before)

  • Get pre-approved for a mortgage to know your budget.

Connecting with a Realtor (1-2 Months Before)

  • Work with a local Memphis agent for focused searching.

Finding Your Home (1-3 Months)

  • Explore neighborhoods, visit homes, and rely on your agent’s help.

Making an Offer (Timing Varies)

  • Craft a strong offer and negotiate terms with guidance.

Under Contract (1-2 Months)

  • After seller agreement, inspect the home for issues.

Loan Processing (1-2 Months)

  • Submit documents for mortgage finalization and property evaluation.

Finalizing the Deal (Closing) (1-2 Months)

  • Clear contingencies and review closing details.

Closing Day

  • Sign papers, pay costs, and get your new home keys!

Expert Tips for Buying a Home

  • Experienced Agent: Partner with a Memphis-savvy agent for smooth navigation.
  • Pre-Approval Strength: Secure pre-approval to show seriousness.
  • Neighborhood Search: Explore fitting neighborhoods with amenities and schools.
  • Thorough Checks: Inspect professionally for issues and repairs.
  • Smart Negotiation: Craft offers with agent’s advice for good terms.
  • Financial Readiness: Budget for costs, down payment, and post-purchase expenses.
  • First-Time Buyer Programs: Explore helpful newcomer programs.
  • Future Planning: Think of family growth and property value.

How Long Does It Take to Buy a Home in Tennessee?

Buying a home in Tennessee varies based on different factors. Generally, it takes about 30 to 45 days from making an offer to closing. Yet, the timeline can change due to market conditions, transaction complexity, and financing and inspections. For an exact idea, work closely with your agent and lender to consider your situation.

Steps to Buy a House

Here are the detailed steps to buy a house:

Financial Preparation

Assess Your Finances

 Evaluate your credit score, income, and existing debts to understand your financial readiness.

Set a Budget

Determine how much you can afford by considering your down payment, monthly mortgage payments, and other costs.

Save for Down Payment

Save for a down payment, typically ranging from 3% to 20% of the home’s price.

Mortgage Pre-Approval:

Get Pre-Approved:

 Contact lenders to get pre-approved for a mortgage, which helps you know your budget range.

Gather Documents:

 Provide necessary financial documents like pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements for pre-approval.

Real Estate Agent Engagement:

Find a Realtor

Partner with a local real estate agent familiar with the area and market trends.

Discuss Preferences

Communicate your preferences, such as budget, location, and property type.

House Hunting:

Explore Neighborhoods

Visit different neighborhoods that align with your lifestyle and needs.

View Properties

Attend open houses and view properties with your real estate agent’s guidance.

Making an Offer:

Craft an Offer

Work with your agent to create a competitive offer based on market value and conditions.


Negotiate with the seller to agree on terms like price, contingencies, and closing date.

Under Contract:

Due Diligence

Once your offer is accepted, enter the due diligence phase.

Home Inspection

Hire a professional inspector to assess the property’s condition for any issues.

Loan Processing:

Provide Documentation

Submit required documents to your lender for finalizing the mortgage.


The lender appraises the property to confirm its value aligns with the loan amount.

Finalizing the Deal (Closing):

Clear Contingencies 

Satisfy any contingencies, such as repairs or additional inspections.

Review Closing Disclosure 

Carefully review the closing disclosure that outlines costs and terms.

Closing Day

Sign Documents 

Sign all necessary documents, including the mortgage agreement.

Pay Closing Costs

Pay closing costs, which include fees for various services.

Ownership Transfer 

Receive the keys and officially become the owner of the property.


Update Ownership Records 

Update ownership records with the local authorities and utilities.

Move In 

Plan and execute your move into your new home.


Celebrate your successful home purchase and new homeownership journey!

Remember, each step is essential for a successful home purchase, and working closely with professionals like your real estate agent and lender will make the process smoother and more informed.

Buying a Mobile Home: Step by Step

Considering a mobile home? Here’s the process:

Explore Options 

Research mobile home communities, private sellers, and dealerships to find your match.

Financial Strategy 

Choose funding – personal loans, chattel loans (no land), or manufactured home loans (permanent foundations).

Budget Plan 

Set a budget including home cost, delivery/setup, utilities, and lot rent.

Inspection Check 

Check home condition – structure, plumbing, electrical.

Negotiation Skill 

Negotiate price/terms with sellers. Dealerships offer clear pricing.

Purchase Agreement 

Draft an agreement with terms and contingencies.

Down Payment 

Pay down payment based on financing.

Title Transfer 

Transfer the title, confirming ownership.

Get Insured 

Secure home insurance coverage.

Delivery and Setup 

Coordinate home delivery/setup.

Connect Utilities 

Connect utilities like water and electricity.

Navigating Property Ownership

Own a property with these steps:

  • Start Smart: Review finances, pre-approval, property preferences.
  • Find Fit: Partner with an agent, explore matching properties.
  • View and Choose: Tour, attend open houses, select a property.
  • Offer Negotiation: Craft offer, negotiate terms with seller.
  • Inspect Thoroughly: Inspect property for repairs.
  • Value Validation: Appraiser confirms value.
  • Loan Approval: Get final mortgage approval.
  • Close with Joy: Sign, pay, own the property.

Smart Questions Before You Buy

Before buying, ask:

How Much Can I Afford? 

Find out what you can spend, including the down payment, monthly mortgage payments, and other ongoing costs.

What Are My Must-Haves? 

List your non-negotiable features and preferences in a home.


Consider the neighborhood’s proximity to work, schools, amenities, and transportation.

Future Plans

How long do you plan to stay in the home? Is it suitable for your long-term goals?


Are you prepared for the responsibilities of homeownership, including maintenance and repairs?

Financing Options 

Explore different financing options and choose the one that best fits your financial situation.

Market Trends 

Research the local real estate market and trends to make informed decisions.

New Construction Home Journey

Get a new home like this:

Research Builders

Begin by researching reputable builders in your desired location. 


Get pre-approved for a mortgage or secure financing through the builder’s preferred lender if they offer incentives.

Choose a Community

Select a new construction community that suits your lifestyle, preferences, and needs.

Select a Floor Plan 

Choose a floor plan that aligns with your family size and preferences. Builders often offer various layouts and customization options.

Design and Customization 

Work with the builder’s design center to customize features like flooring, countertops, and fixtures.


Sign a purchase agreement that outlines the specifications, pricing, completion timeline, and any contingencies.


Pay a deposit, typically a percentage of the home’s price, to secure your lot and start construction.

Construction and Inspections 

The builder constructs the home according to the plan. You’ll have scheduled inspections to ensure quality and adherence to codes.


Participate in pre-closing walk-throughs to identify any defects or issues that need addressing.

Finalize Financing 

Complete the mortgage application and finalize financing arrangements.

Final Inspection 

Conduct a final inspection to ensure all specifications are met and any issues are resolved.


Sign the final documents, pay closing costs, and officially take ownership of the new home.


Builders typically offer warranties on new construction homes for specific periods, covering defects and repairs.


Once construction is complete and all processes are finalized, you can move into your brand-new home.

Navigating the new construction home buying process requires thorough research, clear communication with the builder, and attention to details to ensure a smooth transition into your new dream home.

As you finish your journey in buying a home in Tennessee remember that this experience is about more than just a transaction; it’s an adventure that connects you with a community and a city. The steps in getting a home here, from picking the right neighborhood to handling money, add to a story that’s beyond just walls and roofs.

Understand that your purchase is more than just a building – it’s a way to be part of the city’s life and a chance to create a home. Get advice from experts, connect with other buyers, and use available resources. With what you’ve learned and an open heart, you’re all set to start this new chapter as a homeowner in this friendly city.

About The Author

wendy thompson lending team

Wendy Thompson

Wendy Thompson is the owner of the Wendy Thompson Lending Team. She's been in the mortgage business since 2001. Wendy believes the loan process should be the easiest part of buying a home. When Wendy isn't working on loans, you’ll find her hanging out with her wonderful husband Beau, her son Tate and her yellow lab Tucker.

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